
Let's solve problems together.

I am a web developer with a background in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.


Stack: Realtime messaging app inspired by Slack


Realtime messaging app inspired by Slack

★ Single-page structure using React/Flux communicating with Rails JSON API backend

★ Implements WebSockets with Pusher for real-time messaging

★ Utilizes the pg_search gem to search the full text of message stores in the database

Projective Set

Javascript Game Built with HTML5 Canvas & CSS

★ Develops a simple representation of cards that allowed set detection to be trivial (xor==0)

★ Implements a method to show the user a set if they get stuck

Command Line Chess

★ Implements full suite of chess moves, including en passant, castling, and pawn promotion

★ Enforces valid moves (i.e. cannot result in check for own king)


Here are some of the strengths I'll bring to your team.

  • Building websites, back to front
  • Developing creatively
  • Learning new tech quickly
  • Reasoning analytically
  • Staying up-to-date
  • Planning thoroughly

Technologies Used

  • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL
  • RailsRails
  • RubyRuby
  • ReactReact
  • JQueryJQuery
  • JavaScriptJavaScript
  • CSS3CSS3
  • GitGit
  • GitHubGitHub
  • RSpecRSpec

Contact Me

I'm always happy to discuss my work, future projects, and opportunities to make something great together.